Thursday, February 28, 2002

yesterday i was making dinner for annie. so before she came over, i rushed to albertsons to get some last second ingredients. i went to the checkout line, and when i was up an old man from the back of the line kept shouting things out to the cashier. mind you, he was at the end of the line.
"what time is it?!"
"it's 7 pm"
"where's lenny?!"
"he's gone. he went home. he's done by this time."
"but he was supposed to give me chinese food!"
"sorry, he's at home now."
"fine. then give me a divider!" (remember, this guy is at the end of the checkout line, where the conveyor belt starts.
"sorry, i only got one buddy. but don't worry, i got you. the guy in front of you only has tw-tw-two items."

then everyone in the line, front and back and side since they were so loud, looks at the young chinese FOB who suddenly turns red.

he was buying two things alright.
Trojans and Paper Towels.

how embarrassing. everyone just kept staring at him, discreet yet so freaking obvious.


Monday, February 25, 2002

"come what may."

interesting lyrics from an interesting movie (moulin rouge). also the only lyrics i actually understood from ewan mcgregor. his voice does not sound good on the higher scale.

Friday, February 22, 2002

what happened this morning:

i wake up, shower, and get in my car to leave. the fatigue sets in like worms crawling out of my eyes from my brain. i start the drive down 280 South - always a pleasant drive with the view especially on a nice and sunny day like this morning - but you can't really enjoy it if you're driving.

then i see them .

it's a black VW GTI VR6. my eyes gaze and i forget how tired i was. i just stare at the car, thinking "i had one of those." i continually stare until my attention is diverted by a honda civic - with the same body kit as the one used in the movie "The Fast and the Furious." "Funny," i think to myself, "I bet it's not fast."
Then another car drives right past - it's a lowered 1992 V6 XLE toyota camry with an expanded muffler. it's ostenatious sound whizzes by, and then it all starts. All of a sudden, a '96 honda accord - lowered with a full body kit - passes us all. One second afterward the Ford Taurus that was behind me for awhile decides to take part. A Ford Bronco also slams the gas. The weaving and racing continues for a while - then a '98 M3 and 321i comes from behind and tries to overtake everyone else. The Taurus and the GTI have the lead - and the M3, hesitant to really use it's power, simply stays back. The civic also decides it is too dangerous to compete. So what's left in the field is a toyota camry, honda accord, VW GTI, M3, 321si, the Ford Bronco, and me - a hyundai elantra gt - as the amused observer. Everyone starts weaving in and out, pulling pretty dangerous moves. The gold 1990 Taurus is the boldest - driven by a high school mexican with another compatriot as navigator. it swerves and almost hits the M3 a couple times. The Ford Bronco is trapped between a car in front, a car to its right, and the shoulder to its left. it gets stuck behind. the accord, with 3 asian high school girls pull off even more gutsy moves by weaving in and out of the exit lanes. the GTI is always in the rear, like a kid sister following her big brother, just aching and trying to be a part of the party.
eventually, the san mateo bridge exit separates the "fast and furious" pack and it comes down to the hyundai, the ford taurus, the M3, the GTI, and the 321i. since the road has cleared from traffic considerably, speeds start accelerating. the taurus with huevos hauls at around 105 mph - probably it's top speed. the M3 (driven by a lone asian male) decides it doesn't want to go any faster either, but stay just ahead of the taurus. the 325 also stays around 105. the GTI driver (asian male) says to himself "screw it" and accelerates passing everyone in a flash of black light. soon after is my exit. i turn off the freeway and just think about what just happened the past 45 minutes.

a modded camry, civic, accord, and taurus. only in california.

Wednesday, February 20, 2002

my old church has a tendency to move in blocks. or should i say 'blogs.' if there is a trend, whether it be a phrase ("sham!"), food (koryo sushi), clothes... they just tend to move. now - obviously - it's the blog. i feel that since i also blog, i should stop since i have always been against the flow of my old church. however, i've used before anyone else has. so what should i do? just ignore it?
although i admit that several of them are amusing and i enjoy reading up on the lives of several old friends and aquaintances, it's hard not to just think how amazing of a study this would be for a sociologist. so much bitterness in me. ("how much? too much?")

a few scenarios:

[scene 1 - at a fancy restaurant in Monterey Bay]
jason [referring to someone he just started dating]: how do i get her to pay for at least one meal or something really small? i'm paying for everything and she's not even offering to pay! i just feel used. if she paid, i'd feel a little better... it's just the principle.
aileen: does she say thank you?
jason: she has said thank you every single time, but has never offered to pay. how do you get her to pay?
aileen: maybe you should just ask her before you go anywhere how much money to bring, or if the price is okay. that way she'll get the hint.
jason: yeah, i already thought of that. i think i'm going to do that for this weekend.
andy: well, if you're going to pay for movie tickets, just let her go first. it's like you're being a gentleman by letting her go first, at the same time saying you're cheap.
aileen and jason: nooo, that definitely won't work.
andy: it's worked on you before aileen.
aileen: yeah, i know. it was cheap. i noticed. but i only paid because you pay too often. it wasn't very 'gentlemanly' of you.
andy: oh.
jason: haha! loser!
aileen: but seriously, i really want to pay more. you really pay too often for me.

[waiter brings check]

aileen: umm... i don't have any money on me right now.
andy: okay, i guess i'm paying for you.

[scene 2 - walking out of the restaurant]

andy: didn't you want cotton candy aileen?
aileen: yes! let's go get some!!!
andy: j, do you want any?
jason: no it's cool, but i'll come with you guys.

[at the store]

cashier: can i help you?
aileen: how much does the cotton candy cost?
cashier: um, $1.95.
aileen: okay, can i have one then?
cashier: okay, here you go.

[awkward silence prolongs as the cashier is just waiting to get paid by the 3 stooges]

cashier: umm... can i help you with something else?
andy: pay her aileen!
jason: oh my gosh, you are so stupid andy.
andy: oh... i guess i'm paying again then, eh?
cashier (to herself): what a bunch of retards.

[scene 3 - at Kinko's]
cashier: hi, how can i help you?
andy: hi, okay, i have a few things. first, i would like to pick up a fax.
cashier: okay, here you go.
andy: okay. now i would like to send this fax somewhere else. and i have another fax to send.
cashier: okay, just fill out the information.
andy: here ya go... already filled out.

[cashier goes to fax machine, sends one fax, then comes back. meanwhile, the line starts building up.]

cashier: uhh, sir, you forgot to put the fax number on the second fax.
andy: oh yeah... duh... sorry about that. i need to call my dad really quick.

[andy calls home using his cell phone]

andy: dad! what's your cell number?
dad: 609-555-0815.
andy: really? you sure it's 555? i don't believe you... that really doesn't sound right... let me talk to celene.
dad: you dont' believe me? what takes you so long to call me back anyways? you know what time i called you?!
andy: dad, i was at work. i was going to call, but celene told me online that you weren't home so i just waited.
dad: from now on, family orders, you call back asap when i call you. okay?
[cashier clears throat]
andy: dad, i gotta go. let me talk to celene.
dad: i said 'OKAY?!'
andy: okay okay! let me talk to celene!!!!
celene: hey.
andy: what's the fax number?
celene: 609-555-0815.
andy: oh, it is? man.... i completely forgot.
dad: andy. how's the car?
andy: dad i really have to go. the guy is like waiting for me.
dad: but how is it?
[cashier clears throat again]
andy: it's no big deal. i have to go.
dad: no big deal?!? no big deal?!?!?!?!
andy: okay okay okay. it's really great and i'm really grateful.
dad: why you little...
dad: okay, bye.

andy: sorry about that...
cashier: okay, so this is all you have to fax?
andy: yep. oh wait! i forgot to include this page.

[cashier gets extremely impatient]

cashier: okay sir. just be a moment.

[cashier helps out some disgruntled customers... mostly upset about the fact that someone is talking on the cell phone in line. andy notices the fax isn't going through... assumes that someone is using the line and calls again.]

andy: dad, is someone online?
dad: umm... no... but i'm getting the faxes.
andy: okay.
dad: hey, this is not what i needed.
andy: dad, this is what you asked for.
dad: but this is NOT what i needed. i didn't need this.
andy: what do you want me to do then? this is it. this is EXACTLY what you asked for.
cashier: okay sir, you're all set. received 3 pages, sent 5. that will be 12 dollars.
dad: and what is this other form?! i never asked for this either!!!!
andy: i just sent that to help you dad. it had some information that maybe you might like.
[cashier - extremely upset - mutters some unmentionable cuss words to himself. andy hands him credit card]
andy: look. i saw it. i'm trying to HELP you. i just paid money so i can try to help you. it's just some information concerning my tax forms. i have to go dad. i'm at the cashier. i have to go. he's waiting-
dad: you don't understand me andrew. I NEVER ASKED FOR IT.
[cashier charges andy for faxing cover sheets and mutters: "we charge for everything here." andy notices, but feels really bad about creating such a commotion so just pays for it anyways.]
andy: DAD. i have to go. NOW.
dad: do you get what i'm saying? why did you send me something i didn't ask for?!
andy (screams into phone... at kinko's): I'M JUST TRYING TO HELP. OKAY? IF YOU DON'T WANT IT, THEN FINE. I DON'T CARE. I'M JUST TRYING TO HELP. dad! i have to go now. dad! dad! stop talking! dad! i have to go!
dad: okay okay!... bye.
andy: bye.
cashier: okay, sign here please.
andy: i'm really sorry about that....

[andy signs and leaves. he feels the evil eyes of the customers and workers at kinkos as he walks out. the line has grown almost to the door.]

i find myself drifting slowly into the british rock scene these days. alternative in america has now become "pop" for those who simply don't like britney spears, n'sync, or bsb. they sing about making love, being a slave, being sex toys, etc. the alternative bands all sing about controlling the other person, why did you leave me now i have to get you back, i will avenge you, etc. it is becoming increasingly fan-based rather than music-based. i believe that it's all slowly going down hill. british rock was never really popular. i think that is why i like it more. i just bought an album of Neil Halstead "Sleeping on Roads." He is the guitarist from the band Mojave 3... another band that has never made it to the billboard top 40 but still has an incredible following with an incredible sound (supposedly). i think i am going to buy an album from 'minibar' - which i think is more popular than mojave 3.

Friday, February 15, 2002

oh yeah, and i can't wait to see if South Park makes anything about the whole olympic pairs figure skating scandal.

"what would brian boitano do?"

i have a new car. it's finally over. i have a new car. it's not the one that i wanted, but after spending so much time, energy, and money on this whole car situation - i'm glad it's over. it's all over (i hope). i have the new hyundai elantra. i haven't seen anyone else driving one except me. ever. yay. i'm a asian rice rocket wannabe now. but at least i have a car.

Friday, February 08, 2002

okay, so i just read some old entries.

i think i'm the only one who will ever read those entries ever again. when i come to my friends webpages on thoughts, i tend not to read the archive. i think this can be branded true for everyone. also, i decided to start using names in my entries because when i read my old thoughts and keep people as anonymous - i forget who they are.

this is a test for my archives.

my lifelong goal is to either write a novel, or become a columnist for Time.

the scenario:

talking to my dad after a week-long dead zone, because i was very upset at him due to this car situation that is literally draining my life savings.

the line:
"your job is a job. not a career. your job is a little bit higher than burger flipping."

the reaction:
"thanks dad."

the scenario:

talking to my loving father about my sister's college life when i was picking which college to attend.

the line:

"yeah, i expect celene to go to a much better college than you. we made all of our mistakes on you."

the reaction:

"thanks dad."

Wednesday, February 06, 2002

dandruff. i hate dandruff. what is dandruff? well... according to

Q: What exactly is dandruff?
A: Dandruff is a chronic scalp condition characterized by excessive flaking and is also associated with itching and redness.

In a healthy scalp, new skin cells are continually formed at the lowest level of the skin and move toward the outer surface where they become flat and are invisibly shed. The movement of these cells to the outer layer usually takes about 28 days. With dandruff, however, the movement is accelerated to 7-21 days. As a result, rather than being shed as separate, microscopic cells, they are shed as large clumps of hundreds or even thousands of cells, commonly known as "flakes."

Q: What's the difference between dandruff and just having a dry scalp?
A: The main difference is flakes from dandruff are medium to large in size. They're usually white and oily looking, and are believed to be caused by Malassezia, a naturally occurring fungus found on the scalp. By comparison, dry scalp is characterized by smaller flakes and excessive itching, occurring when your scalp lacks its natural oils.

so i guess i have 'dry scalp' instead of dandruff. i guess that's a good thing, since i know i have a clean head. but yeah, my head was pretty itchy yesterday. i itched, and then i saw flakes coming down like the blizzard of '94. i thought it was because of my hat. but in any case, i usually have excessively dry skin. RIGHT after i get out of the shower, i can still scratch my skin. i'm supposed to use lotion, girls tell me, but i'm not really into lotion. i'm also allergic to perfume.

you know what really bugs me? when i get a car, it needs to have leather. the reason is because i'm allergic to dust. my eyes get itchy all day long after riding in a car with a lot of dust.

Monday, February 04, 2002

'this is a story. not a story about love, where you the endings are always predictable and you get to just sit and enjoy life with your girlfriend at the end of the movie. nor is it a story about war, or tragedy, or comedy. this is a story about an everyday life - the same as you see in the street walking to get your mail in front of your house, or the guy you see taking his daily jogs, or the woman you see in the car next to you singing songs at the top of her lungs, thinking that she's in an enclosed room with no windows. this story is about frustration. pure, unadulterated, uncensoed, hard-core, never-seen-before footage of frustration. then again, maybe it's a story about happiness. or stress.'

this is the beginning of a story that i just started. i guess i'll post it up chapter by chapter in my 'goodies' section of this webpage.

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