Wednesday, February 06, 2002

dandruff. i hate dandruff. what is dandruff? well... according to

Q: What exactly is dandruff?
A: Dandruff is a chronic scalp condition characterized by excessive flaking and is also associated with itching and redness.

In a healthy scalp, new skin cells are continually formed at the lowest level of the skin and move toward the outer surface where they become flat and are invisibly shed. The movement of these cells to the outer layer usually takes about 28 days. With dandruff, however, the movement is accelerated to 7-21 days. As a result, rather than being shed as separate, microscopic cells, they are shed as large clumps of hundreds or even thousands of cells, commonly known as "flakes."

Q: What's the difference between dandruff and just having a dry scalp?
A: The main difference is flakes from dandruff are medium to large in size. They're usually white and oily looking, and are believed to be caused by Malassezia, a naturally occurring fungus found on the scalp. By comparison, dry scalp is characterized by smaller flakes and excessive itching, occurring when your scalp lacks its natural oils.

so i guess i have 'dry scalp' instead of dandruff. i guess that's a good thing, since i know i have a clean head. but yeah, my head was pretty itchy yesterday. i itched, and then i saw flakes coming down like the blizzard of '94. i thought it was because of my hat. but in any case, i usually have excessively dry skin. RIGHT after i get out of the shower, i can still scratch my skin. i'm supposed to use lotion, girls tell me, but i'm not really into lotion. i'm also allergic to perfume.

you know what really bugs me? when i get a car, it needs to have leather. the reason is because i'm allergic to dust. my eyes get itchy all day long after riding in a car with a lot of dust.

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