Wednesday, February 26, 2003

The past two weeks have been absolutely insane. I did well on the GMAT (all thanks to Aileen, the super verbal tutor), and now the interviews have been flowing in. I have 3 interviews on Thursday alone. One is for a recruiting position, another is for an analyst position, and the third is for another lab job for a respectable biotech company. I also finally got an essay started for my application to business school. I have written 4 different intros to just one question - and now I finally got my rhythm back. Bailamos!

Wednesday, February 19, 2003

pjchoi: id take j.connelly any day
Bork15: true
Bork15: me too
pjchoi: even if she were like, "uhh...who's frodo?"
Bork15: and kirsten dunst
pjchoi: ehh
Bork15: shaddup
pjchoi: connelly over dunst
Bork15: i knew you would say that
pjchoi: haha
Bork15: connelly is hotter
Bork15: but i'd rather marry kirsten
pjchoi: haha
Bork15: or julia stiles
pjchoi: NO
pjchoi: BOO
Bork15: haha
pjchoi: no way
Bork15: she's cute
pjchoi: julia stiles? u kidding?
Bork15: her personality is really cool
Bork15: no?
pjchoi: sure, all ugly ppl have good personalities - didnt u see shallow hal?
pjchoi: dont put unpretty girls on my tv or in my movies, unless theyre great actresses in non-sexy roles
Bork15: hahaaha

for you all non-Christians, or non-believing Christians for that matter, here's some proof:

i actually did well on my GMAT.

now go and repent. repent i say, repent!!!

Tuesday, February 11, 2003

ah crap, apologies to hayeun, oh wait, HOLLY , for my misspelling of her name.
i guess it is time for me to update. i've been so busy though...waking up past noon... playing video games till my eyes fall out... watching tv till my eyes hurt... you know, that sorta thing.

anyways, here's a long and dull story.

The Story of

by Andrew Chang
Dedicated to Hayeun "Holly" Lee

Born into a world of hate and sin,
Andrew Chang came out from within,
With a lopsided head and no clothes,
And something attached to his stomach - like a hose.

He was raised with high expectations from everyone,
Learned to walk at 6 months and learned the alphabet at the age of one,
He could even pick out his parents shoes at a party,
And throw it at them when he became cranky.

"A doctor for sure" other parents would say,
"Does Dr. Chang want to come over and play?"
Little did people know that the closest to "Doctor" Andrew would be,
Was to see them till his old age, probably one in Psychiatry.

A failure, the path that was chosen for him,
A guranteed loser, who could not perform even at a whim.
Competitions he would enter, never finishing first.
In school he would do miserably, causing his parents in tears to burst.

REJECT was stamped on his forehead,
By jobs, schools, friends - all in red.
And while all this was occurring,
He became numb and just about accepted everything.

Self-esteem problems, you may ask?
Of course not, you dumbass.
It's called reality - accepting it and staying calm.
And hence, you have,

Thursday, February 06, 2003

what is this... january 31st was the last day of all blog posts? hayuen, peter, grace, etc.

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