Thursday, April 28, 2005

it is finished.

finished my last final on tuesday. finished it in 15 minutes, and i probably got a 20%. finished quite a few beers before, during, and after as well. my friends and i brought in beers for our last final, and you can definitely say that drinking ensued afterwards. no, not the crazy drinking like undergrads, but definitely quite a few beers. but to give you a better picture, a little past midnight, we became tired and went home.

so, i am completely done with school. i have been telling myself this phrase over and over, and it has yet to sink in. the feeling of elation, relief, and joy i have been anticipating for so long never came. when i graduated from cal, i think i had the same feeling. it looks like i did.

i wonder what it is? well, a part of me feels like work will never be over (i am actually in atlanta working right now), another part of me feels that i have school next week or maybe in the fall. not quite sure though.

maybe it will hit me on graduation? i really hope so. or, maybe i should just start doing drugs.

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