Wednesday, February 11, 2009

kids. why do people have kids? is it to carry on their family name and/or legacy? to have someone to love? to continue the human race? to have someone take care of you? to 'complete' your life?

let me make this clear: i certainly want to have kids one day and can't wait. but it just seems that every reason that i can think of is pretty much selfish. and if the only reason to have kids is for selfish reasons, then it just doesn't seem right.  why would i want to bring a child into this disturbing world we live in today just so i can satisfy myself? i am struggling with the justification. the only legit justification i can think of is because the Bible has told us to... but only in the Old Testament (i think).

here is the most ironic part: i think that people who have kids, for seemingly selfish reasons, tend to be a lot less selfish afterwards. parents learn to take care and prioritize others above themselves. the converse is also true - people who do not have kids tend to be more selfish. they don't have to go through the emotional and physical sacrifices it takes to raise a child. 

quite funny how the world works sometimes.

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