something i miss about my old position is the analytical work. that's why i was brought into the company, and thought it was what i would be doing. i was dead wrong. the last few weeks have been complete hell - solving problem after problem, traveling city after city, returning call after call, and deleting e-mail after e-mail. i have already come to the point where people need to call me three times before getting a response from me (except for my coworkers of course). the number of people that i have to deal with and manage has grown exponentially, which also means my dependence on other people to complete my work has also grown just as much. by the end of this month, i will have traveled to chicago, orlando, philly, and dallas... oh, and ny/nj for vacation.
the point is, even though i'm in a new role and despite this long whine session - i still love my job and hope to stay here for a while (despite the pay... sorry aileen). someone in my industry, at my age, given the opportunity i have been given is really awesome. the lesson is, the more responsibility you are given, the more you depend on your instinct to make decisions and less on spreadsheets. and you better be right, most of the time.
the next lesson learned is nobody really cares about this entry.