this is from dchai's blog about a radio spot from k-love:
I heard this great K-Love spot while driving around on Sunday where this husband and wife are talking and he pronounces salmon like "sall-mon" and the wife starts ridiculing him, like "sall-mon? Isn't it supposed to be sa-mon? What, was 3rd grade like the hardest year of your life or something?"
Then a female voiceover comes on explaining how destructive it is when women do this. Men often want respect more than they want love. Women try and give men love the way they want to be loved themselves, but what men really need is respect. Especially in public. So when women belittle or disrespect men it destroys them.
Not sure if I completely agree with this, especially regarding my own relationship, but thought it is pretty much true. I think universally, it is more true to the person in the relationship who has more pride.
On another note, my boss keeps telling me that I should forget everything I learned in B-school since it doesn't apply, but I still try my hardest to use every excel trick, statistical method, matrices, and strategic frameworks. But what he really means is that B-school does not teach you how to play 'office politics.' The biggest lesson I have learned so far? You will get nowhere unless people respect you, and to get people to respect you, you have to earn it. How do you earn respect? I still haven't really figured that part yet. In my case, I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that I'm a nerdy looking Asian. My coworkers automatically assume I'm smart.