aileen, marina, her "anonymous" fiancee, and i have started a new workout plan. this was initiated by the insane amount of money we have spent eating out (a.k.a. joel ). so if we are to continue this bad habit, we can now only do so if we have accumulated enough points. this a point-system that the anonymous fiancee has created, and is based on the duration of our exercise. for example, working out for 10 minutes could equal 5 points. for every 50 points, we can eat at a 50-point rated restaurant, which would be a moderately-priced place. so if we only accumulated 5 points, we can only eat at a mcdonald's or something like that. if we accumulate 70 points, then we can go to joel. if we do it on a weekly basis, we can go to joel on a weekly basis (this was the kicker for the girls). this scale is obviously not based on nutrition, but on price. i guess it's a flaw, but whatever works to get us all to work out i will try.
we started this system last sunday. aileen and i have worked out twice... and sadly, this is actually more than we have ever done. so maybe this works and the next time you see us, we'll be ripped. what's for sure is that the next time you see me and aileen, we'll be dirt poor.
sidnote: video games can literally ruin relationships.