Saturday, June 25, 2005

"do or do not, there is no try" - yoda

aileen and i have been watching star wars 4,5, and 6 this week. aileen has never seen them and it has been over a decade since i last enjoyed these great movies. everytime i saw a tie-fighter or x-wing, it always brings me back to my childhood. i remember pretending flashlights were lightsabers, holding books by the flaps and pretending it was in a cruiser, or buliding x-wings with virtually anything that had an "X" shape.

the quote from yoda mentioned above really stuck with me while watching empire strikes back. i guess it struck a chord with me because i have always believed the opposite. i believed that as long as you put all your effort in, or "tried," then nothing else matters. but thinking about it some more, yoda (or george lucas) is right. "try" is not the right word - it's really "do."

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