today i sank too a new low. i gave an 73 cent tip for a 4.27 meal (for NC standards, it's not that bad, people usually only give a $1 tip, but there is a mental barrier between 73 cents and a paper dollar). it was at a chinese restaurant (no. 1 chinese to be exact), and although the service was not bad i was late for class. i gave her a $10 dollar bill so the change was $5.73 and she gave me a $5 dollar bill and 73 cents. I didn't have time to ask for five singles, so i promised myself the next time i ate there i'd give a big tip (hoping that there wouldn't be 'special sauce' in my food).
i drove back to school and was walking into the building with 2 minutes to spare when i realized that i left my cell phone at the restaurant.
'crap... never see my cellphone again since i left such a lazy tip or be a few minutes late to class?'
i think the choice was obvious - i sped back to the restaurant, pulled out 4 quarters from my coin tray thinking i can leave a better tip this time, ran to the counter and got my cellphone back from a cook.
i decided not to leave the 4 quarters cuz it would probably have made matters worse. i thanked the waitress and the cook, and sped back to school. i was late to class, but no real harm done.
the waitress looked pretty pissed when i thanked her for finding my cell phone.