Thursday, December 16, 2004

as you all know, i have many problems. but i'm just going to write about one.

i cannot walk up or down stairs well at all. this is something that has been with me for as long as i can remember - probably because i fell down a flight of stairs once when i was a kid.

i have to either watch where i am stepping or hold on to a rail, otherwise i lose balance and almost fall over. if there was a race to run up and back down the stairs, then i would be dead last. i have to really concentrate. for instance, yesterday when i was helping aileen move into her new place, i had to literally tell myself which leg was supposed to go next (side note, aileen's new place is on the top floor of a 4 story complex by the way... and having a girl that could barely lift an empty box doesn't help... my arms are so freaking sore).

so yeah, that's the story in a nutshell.

on an unrelated story, some radio station brought in two chefs and made the office breakfast, which included bagels, bacon strips, customized omelets, and some other stuff. i came in too late so the only thing i could eat was about 10 strips of bacon and warm orange juice. oh and some fruit.

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