Sunday, October 24, 2004

quote of the day:

pjchoi: i just like to make things more than they are
pjchoi: reality i got nothing

in unrelated news, i think i have gone too far with making fun of asians at school. you see, when you live in a community where you are basically the only asian, it's easy to make fun of your own race and people find it hilarious. it's basically the reason why margaret cho is so funny, as well as other ethnic comics.

in any case, i've made fun of asians a lot in a self-deprecating way. if you know me, which by 99% chance you do, then you know i tend to do this alot. now my classmates are getting into making fun of asians, particularly me, because i have made it okay in their eyes to make fun of my race since i do it all the time.

do i care? no, not really. would steve care? without a doubt. would jason try to pick a fight then end up getting his butt kicked and pants crapped on? of course.

in any case, some are worse than others, but in all honesty, it's all in good fun and they only do it to me instead of the other asian students (who are all international). in a way, it has helped me gain respect among my peers because now some see me as a funny guy. but why would it be so different if i were black, gay, or a woman? in all honesty, no matter how funny it is when chris rock, jeanenne garafolo or any black, gay, or female comedian (or friend for that matter) make fun of themselves, people just don't do it. i can give some really good examples, but because those people read this site, i won't post it (see! i'm even afraid to use it as an EXAMPLE). instead, i'll give a generic example: so female comedians and friends make jokes about themselves all the time when they get their periods. but would you ever say "HAHA! must be beacuse you have your period!!!"

i didn't think so.

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