we had guest speakers come in today and last week for a couple of my classes. they were both very enlightening and gave really great stories.
so the speaker last week was telling us a story about his days in the ad agency when they had General Mills as a client. this is back in the 60's and 70's were drugs were accepted and rampant. they even had a room for the creative department where you could smoke marijuana to get the 'creative juices' flowing. so one day, one of the stoned creatives had the munchies and was going to make rice krispy treats. they had tons, since after all, they were the ad agency for that product. in any case, there were no rice krispy treats to be found, but what they did have a lot of... was granola. it was the new thing they were selling and devising a marketing campaign for, so they had boxes of granola everywhere. so the stoner says 'what the hell, i've got the munchies!' and proceeds to use the granola and make marshmellow-granola treats. it actually tasted very good, and when he let his coworkers try it - including the guest speaker - they thought it was excellent. they presented it to the management and client the next day... and voila!
the birth of granola bars.