Tuesday, September 14, 2004

as i was blogging on my previous entry about people not really listening or me being passive, there was a pattern that i detected. if i was at work, people listened to me more and trusted my decisions. if at school, nobody really gave a crap. i think the fundamental difference is that at work, you are judged more for your accomplishments/work ethic than your looks/personality. at school, you may get good grades, but that still doesn't matter nearly as much as how 'cool' and 'respected' you are... obviously, i need to work on that.

and ann was right on the money when she said that you have to talk louder for people to notice you. i have noticed the same things as well... and on top of that, people who always get heard never lets the other person finish a freaking sentence... both traits that i do not possess.

in any case, those are my thoughts for today.

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