Monday, September 20, 2004

9/11/2004 passed more than a week ago. i hardly noticed it, and in a way, it makes me feel a little guilty. 9/11/02 and '03, i remember thinking, 'man, what if there is going to be another terrorist attack...' airlines were literally giving away seats to boost volume, and a lot of other people just stayed at home. there was nothing going on at all anywhere. people were either in remembrance or scared or both.

this past year, the thought of another terrorist attack happening did not even cross my mind until today... and it's been over a week since. it only came into my mind now because i was reading from my book and it said 'refer to figure 9.11'. there were football games, parties, etc. this past 9/11. only had 9/11 stories running as their headline for less than half the day.

anyways, how easily i forget things. i even forgot it was my bday until my family e-mailed me.

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