Friday, August 13, 2004

so i have two killer gmail addresses. achang and of course, the ingenius, asdfqwer. it's interesting because this idiot, whose name is alex with the same last name as me, thinks he has the same e-mail address. every other day, i will get an e-mail from one of his friends. last week, i received a welcome e-mail from ofoto. it read 'Welcome Alex to Ofoto!' I know his vacation plans, who he is going to go with, what hotel he is staying in at London, and that his friend, jon, also just got a new gmail account. this guy needs to get a clue.

so my options are:
1. write back to all his friends and ruin his life. "anne... how could you make such idiotic reservations! and WHY did you invite george?!?!?! p.s. i'm gay." this would be an e-mail that is CC'd to everyone on the e-mail list.
2. write to his friend jon, and say, "who cares if you got gmail, biznatch, i do too."
3. login to his ofoto account, reset his password, and post all these lude photos of myself.

i almost did option #3. since he registered the account under my email address, i have the power to reset his password and just use his account any way i want. i almost did it too, but i just had a sweeping feeling of guilt so i stopped halfway.

i also got an e-mail from his grandparents, and even though this is probably wrong, i'm going to post parts of it anyway.... actually, no. actually, sure. the Subject was "Future Godly Spouse" and this is what the grandparents wrote for this couple's two Harvard graduated sons:

Pray that our Lord provide a godly spouse each for [Son #1] and [Son #2] so that [Son #1] and [Son #2] will provide a crown for [parent #1] and [parent #2].

good stuff.

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