Wednesday, August 25, 2004

the cable internet guy is finally coming today. so in the meantime, i have been bootlegging off someone else's connection. it is pretty convenient to have, but not very reliable.

one day, the connection was really slow so i thought about logging in to this person's router and boot everyone else off. so i thought about it for about 2 seconds, and i did.

this person did not change the default password, so it was easy to login to, and there were NINE people sharing the same connection. SEVEN were fellow mba's (two of the connections were me though), and only ONE was non-asian. so i just assumed that the asian people were bootlegging (a fair assumption, i think) and kicked them all off the router and only limited access for three people at a time. that solved my problem of internet connection speed... and did this mystery owner a favor at the same time.

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