Monday, July 19, 2004

no trip this weekend, but i will be flying to new jersey this coming weekend. hopefully arrive thursday night or friday morning.

the eventful event for this past weekend was going to service at Ebenezer Baptist, the church where Martin Luther King Jr. was a minister. It was my first time going to a predominantly-black church and it wasn't as great of an experience that I hoped to be. The sound was not well adjust so it was hard to hear the chorus and the minister (a guest minister that day) and there were literally more guests and tourists than regular members. The tourists left early and basically filled up a whole section in the back. As far as we could tell, Aileen and I were the only Asians in the entire sanctuary - and I would estimate that there were about 600-700 people there. There were a couple times where we had to hold hands to the people next to us during prayers, and Aileen hates touching people so you can tell she was a little uncomfortable. However, the prayers and sermons were so full of energy and zeal, it was hard NOT to pay attention (even though I did see many people sleeping). During the prayers, I opened my eyes and looked up and practically nobody was closing their eyes. It was confusing because I thought the prayer had ended and I just looked stupid, but it really hadn't. I think people just wanted to see the prayer and the minister shouting.

Anyways, I don't think I would go again. The service was pretty long and I don't know how comfortable I would feel knowing that 60% of the church I go to are tourists. Sure, it's a great thing when you have tons of visitors in a church - it's an awesome thing - but I think I need more stability and consistency.

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