Wednesday, May 12, 2004

things you just don't want to hear before your plane takes off

heard on the plane ride home, and while they weren't shouting, they were not talking quietly on this very small 15 row plane. note, we were actually seated in the plane. MAN is a person who is a airline maintenance software salesperson who happens to be a certified airline mechanic. WOMAN is an old lady who is not fond of flying.

WOMAN: so what happens when the engines fail? does the plane start going down?
me (only in thought... and i'm sure the rest of the plane was thinking the same): what the... why is she talking about this in a plane?!
MAN: oh don't worry, there's a backup generator for the engines. everything on planes.
me: whew...
WOMAN: but doesn't the backup generator... doesn't that have a chance to fail too?
MAN: well... yeah, but there are two engines and with the technology on these planes these days, especially the one we're flying on now, there is a very very small chance of that happening. as a matter of fact, the injury done to a person through stressing about plane crashes -
me: don't use the word crash... not now, not here...
MAN: combined is greater than actually being in one.
WOMAN: i see, that's comforting to hear... but what about missiles? you know, people can shoot us down with missiles.
me: what the heck?!
MAN: well... yeah... if that happens, then it's just a risk worth taking i guess... but i highly doubt that will happen.
WOMAN: well, you never know... there are some crazy things going on in this world you know...
me: oh my goodness, shut up. shut up now.
MAN: ma'am, you know something that we all don't? (he chuckles)
WOMAN: oh, you never know, that's all... just some crazy things going on. that's why i hate flying.
me: i think i'm going to crap my pants.

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