Monday, May 10, 2004

i've seen many bands perform before, but what we saw in nyc (as mentioned in steve's blog ) was quite different.

first, there were the asians. it was definitely not the typical 'asian' thing to do, and the only why asians were there was because there were a couple asian performers. after the asian performers left, the asians left. one of the asian guys who performed did not look like a rocker. he was dressed in the typical asian get-up, so it just looked funny at first when he started bouncing his head, making out with the mic, and shredding his electric guitar. i wish i took a picture.

second, i really wish i took a picture of his parents who were watching on the side. the dad looked so incredibly nervous i couldn't stop laughing. he had his hands between his legs and was constantly rubbing his fingers together, like he had to pee really badly or for my high school friends, our history teacher mr. heim sitting on the desk. the dad looked scared to death. funny stuff.

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