interesting to note what steve posted since i was going write on a related topic. there are a lot of friends around me who are going through some major life changes (none of whom read this site... i don't think), and even though it's cool to see your friends move on in life and be happy, what if you and everyone else just does not think it's the best way to go? this is completely hypothetical, and i mean 100%, but here is a scenario:
a very close friend of yours is moving to take a job which you, your other friends, or family thinks is the wrong way to go. it is what he wants to do at the moment, and would make him happy. however, you know that this person has a tendency to make bad decisions and has done so in the past.
do you tell your friend that the decision he is making is a bad idea or do you just let him be and let him live his happy life? it's a weird dilemma to be in... on one hand, you want your friend to be happy. on the other hand, you wnat your friend to be set straight. it's a tough decision to make, and for me, i'm usually one who will tell you that i don't like what you are doing (but it really depends who you are). some have told me that shows i care and it's what you should do (i.e. accountability), others have told me it's "parenting" and i should back away. the way i take usually creates conflict, but i figure if it will help someone you care out, it's worth it. but now, i'm not too sure.
this is something that i have been struggling a lot with lately, and a part of me tells me to back off and let it be and i have been doing so. i'm doing it more and more these days, but it burdens me to know that someone you care is potentially making a really bad decision.