Thursday, May 06, 2004

i had an awesome time in atlanta. just awesome. aside from the concert, which was definitely an experience, i went to a karaoke bar (no i didn't sing), and a padres game. i can't wait to live in atlanta this summer.

i'm in new jersey now and totally had a "sliding doors" moment. for some reason, my credit card would not read in the ticket machine... so i finally used my other one, ran up the escalator... and i JUST missed the monorail to the train, so i had to wait 3 minutes for the next one. i knew the train was coming soon and had to wait an hour for the next one, so i really wanted to catch this one. so i sprinted out the monorail, ran through the gate, and sprinted down the steps... just to see the train leaving. so i had to wait an hour for the next train. i kept thinking... only if my credit card worked the first try... i would be home by now. so instead, i finished up a book and it turned out that steve would be on the train as well. so it was cool seeing steve again and we had dinner at my place. so now i think the other way, had i made the train i intended to make, i wouldn't have been able to catch up with steve and finish my book (eat more chikin - inspire more people: doing business the chick-fil-A way).

speaking of the book, it was a really quick read. i got it for free when i had an informational interview with chick-fil-a, and it was written by the founder of the company, who happens to be a very strong christian. he had some great quotes, which i cannot recall since i lent the book to steve, but it was great to learn his philosophy on treating customers on a higher level than making money. also, on his belief that work and church should not be separated and that you should work the way you honor God at church. he also had some great proverbs that he really stuck to, and the one that stuck to me most was proverbs 22:1: A good name is more desirable than great riches; to be esteemed is better than silver or gold.

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