Thursday, April 22, 2004

i need to work out more often. yesterday, i worked out for the first time since august. yes, august. i played tennis with a classmate, and i could not last one set. at 4-4, i had to quit because my stomach was cramping. my abs were rediscovered underneath layers of "protection" and started to really complain that they had to work again. i really think i overdid myself because i started getting a fever last night and chills... and i'm pretty sure it was because i overheated myself. anyways, i drank tons of water, woke up at least 5 times to go to the bathroom, and now, my body is a wreck. shame on me for working out!

anyways, yesterday was the last day of classes so a classmate bought a pig and roasted it in our courtyard. it's called a "pig pickin'" and it's really interesting. i took pictures and will post later, if anyone really cares. but the food was quite good, and people went out afterwards to get wasted... but again, i was getting really sick so i had to go home and just lie down. so yeah, someone brought this 11 week old golden retriever puppy (which i also took pictures of) and a classmate goes (he's white of course), "feed it to the chinese!" an international student was there and she was really confused or upset at that remark. i honestly still don't know how to feel about it, but i say "no, it's koreans that eat dog you idiot." so he goes "feed it to the koreans!" the first thing that came into my head was "man, i'm glad steve isn't here." the second thing in my head was "should i be offended?" i mean, it's true. koreans DO eat dog meat. but in a way, i felt a little offended but i really don't know why. i guess it's like only a black person can call another black person the n-word... like, only asians can make fun of other koreans for eating dog? not sure exactly, but yeah, that's the South. asians are a very small minority so a lot of the stereotype that existed when i was in grade school still exists today in North Carolina. i still get comments like "use you kung-fu andy!" and stuff like that. but i know they don't mean it in a derogatory way, because they are the nicest people ever so i really don't have big problems with it. but again, the cool thing about being asian and in the south is that people assume that you're a doctor and really smart. multiple people have guessed that i was a med student here... it's a nice feeling. :)

THIRD topic... i have herpes, but not genital herpes. so lately, my cold sores have been acting up a LOT because of school. so i went to see a doctor, and she prescribed me valtrex. now i'm sure you have seen the commercials, and i know i'm giving dave a lot of ammo to use on me right now, but i am only using it for my coldsores that are around my mouth. so yeah, if anyone has ever seen jason swallow a pill, it's the funniest scene. it literally takes him about 5 minutes to swallow two advils. he closes his eyes, puts the pill in his mouth, drinks about a cup of water and slowly tilts his head back and forth until he gets the courage to actually swallow the pill. it takes about 3 cups of water for him to swallow one pill. it's hilarious. so anyways, this valtrex pill, is gigantic. it's like a suppository. i think jason would get chills if he saw this... this is compared against a quarter. and it's really thick too, just look at the shadows.

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