went to Ground Zero today. definitely a depressing place and might be the only place in downtown new york where it's actually quiet. cars don't even honk there. i took some pictures (will post later), but what i regret not taking pictures of were the people selling memorabilia at the site, where it is illegal to do so within 20 feet of the fence line. you know, sometimes i take this asian-stereotyping thing too far, but there were about 3 people selling material and pictures by walking around offering it to people - and they, of course, were all asian. that really irked me today, and i was very compelled to report them to the police. at the same time, i wasn't surprised at all. it was really heavy on my heart today.
there were also two chinese girls taking pictures of each other. one was saying to the other in a joking way to look sad since they were at the WTC site. i guess you really had to be there, but i was slightly annoyed at the manner and attitude they were doing it with.