Monday, November 10, 2003

aileen is the greatest...
another exclusive aileen post!

my thoughts on Matrix Revolutions:

- during the battle scene in the dome in Zion, the machines are fighting with machines (the sentinels) and the humans are fighting with machines (the robot-like things)..just seemed a little ironic.. and why, in a society that is unimaginably advanced, are machine guns still used anyway? oh, and why weren't the people in the robots shielded at all.. seemed a bit dumb..

- during Trinity’s death scene, I didn’t feel any sadness for Trinity or Neo. I realized that I didn’t really care about any of the characters.. and I usually get pretty emotionally involved with the characters in a movie.. in fact, I was thinking, along with everyone else, “just die already!”

- of course, the special effects were amazing, but we’ve seen them before in the first and second movies. and nothing in Revolutions compared to the car chase scene in Reloaded.

- overall, I think that the first movie inspired us to imagine that astonishing philosophical revelations would be made, and the trilogy just wasn’t able to live up to those anticipations.

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