Thursday, October 30, 2003

every week, i hear the phrase, "this week has been the hardest week yet." the sad part is, it's true. october is usually called 'hell month.' in any case, there is strong correlation between the messiness of my apartment to the amount of work i have to do. in stat terms, the r^2 would be close to 1.0 with a t-score of about.... a million. anyways, i've been saying i'd post pics of my apt for a few months now, so since i've never been so busy, thought it might be a good time.

don't know if you can tell from here, but the tv/vcr isn't plugged in... gosh, i miss tv...
also, notice the boxes. they've been there since august. i have probably sat in my futon a total of 10 times. also, my dining table is stacked with papers, and to maximize utilization, i use my chairs and floor for more space.

my two best friends right now. laptop and desktop, i spend about 95% of my time with awake. also notice the trashcan on the right... has only been emptied once. that reminds me, i should empty my trash can. the stack of CD's you see are all simpsons episodes i burned because my HD space ran out. i watch one episode a day either for lunch or dinner. keeps me sane.

my lovely kitchen. that garbage has been sitting out for about a week.

can you guess which one of these items is NOT expired?
a) milk
b) kimchi (in the back)
c) eggs
d) brita
e) salsa
f) frappucino
g) lightbulb

hint: there are two items.

another view of my living room.

my bedroom. the big walmart bag is clean laundry i have yet to put away... since last weekend. this room also serves as my second walk-in closet.

so after this crazy week, we get yet another crazy week next week. but in any case, i've been driving around on my spare tire for about 4 days now, haven't had time to fix my watch, and my hair is insanely long. like, it is crawling over my ears. i need to learn how to function on 5 hours of sleep. i got it down to 6, but 5 would be good.

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