Friday, August 08, 2003

you know you are in the south when:

1) people can't stop talking at the same time. it's a contest... the loudest voice will always win.
2) you meet an indian girl with a southern accent who knows more about college football than all of the girls you have ever known combined.
3) it's very common to get married by the age of 24. (the most common degree to get out of college is the MRS degree, they say)
4) you see a lot of white old women weaving the freeway who also drive pick-up trucks.
5) at abercrombie, a really cut guy wearing nothing but sandals and shorts and a really hot girl wearing nothing but a guys button-down t-shirt are the greeters.
6) the huge white bouncers at bars who have more tatoos than clothes and hair and look like they are in the KKK are one of the nicest guys you have ever met.
7) the size of a burrito is 1/2 the size what you are used to.
8) wake forest is considered a great school and EVERYONE knows it.
9) people attend "debutante parties"

to be cont'd.

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