Why are people so pro-asian to the point that they won't even talk to another person unless he/she is asian? steve and i were at the movie theaters in line for T3. the line was quite long and an asian dad was literally walking down the line looking for other asians in order to ask what movie the line was for. i was just watching him as he scanned so obviously, dragging his son along holding his hand. i knew he was looking for an asian to ask, and when he finally saw me, he pointed at me and asked "excuse me, what movie is this for?" i told him it was for terminator 3, he thanked me, and went back to the end of the long line. by not having to ask an asian but someone further back in the line, he could have gotten in line and not lost a few spots. even more, i was sitting on the floor with my hood on with people crowding and towering over me, making myself less accessible. but he just could not ask any other race. i thought it was ridiculous but steve thought it was totally reasonable (steve tends to be very pro-asian). his reasoning, which i agree, is that people are just more comfortable with familiar faces. the part i don't agree with is when steve said that we have "more in common with each other." (he even said outloud, with white people next to us, that "white people were mean." i immediately told him to shut up and prayed that nobody heard him.) while the fact that our faces may seem more "familiar" is true to some extent, it does not justify that man's actions. just because we "look" the same, it does not mean we have anything in common. and even if we do look more "familiar," so what? what kind of reasoning is it that we cannot even ask a person outside of our race a stupid question?
i believe that this is the kind of thinking that makes california so apart from other states. it may be true everywhere else, but there are just so many asians, it can only support, encourage and magnify the practice of this heinous philosophy.