Thursday, July 03, 2003

i had my first experience as the "interviewer" yesterday when i interviewed people to replace my job. my boss and i conducted the interview together, and we do pretty well as a team. we interviewed straight from 1pm-5pm, despite the fact that i had a project due at 4(which i didn't finish), and was going to leave work early to hang out with dave, but ended up leaving at 730.

in any case, it is definitely interesting to see what it's like to be on the other end of an interview. i kept asking to myself "did i do the same thing?" or "was i this fake?" sometimes, people would laugh at some of my comments which they THOUGHT were jokes, but really weren't. they were THAT ready to jump the gun. also, here's a tip for people who are interviewing: if you are asked a specific task that you HAVE NEVER DONE, then BE HONEST. it's amazing the things that people would say just to try so hard and prove they are a good fit for the job.

here's an example:
"do you have any writing experience?"
"yes. i wrote papers in college and edited my friends' papers all the time."

okay, that is a really bad answer. here is what he should have said:
"do you have any writing experience?"
"no, not professionally - however, i love writing other than the many papers i wrote in college. i also have really good editing skills, having edited my friend's papers all the time."

now, that's not the best answer, but it sure beats an answer that starts with "yes."

in any case, i guess i made this really weird realization that i really love my job here. after talking about all the good points of my job to other people, it just really made me realize that this was really awesome. i totally recommend everyone to work in a small company at least once in their lives.

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