i did it. i have sunk to a new low. with the long absence of aileen and my lost desire to study accounting... i have joined a warcraft clan. i now have a tag on my wacraft name. it's not because i'm good at the actual game, but it's because there is a custom game called "sheep tag" that i am obsessed with... and people have always been asking me to join their clan. did i mention it's a "sheep tag" clan? i am not going to divulge the actual name of the clan because i fear serious ridicule, as if i won't get enough already. in any case, they have been pestering me for days to join and the members are quite good at sheep tag... so i finally gave in and said 'okay i'll just play around with you guys.' turns out that it definitely has it's benefits though... no more long waits to search for an open game (they will boot anyone to open a spot for me) and i always get to play some pretty decent games. i know my reasons alone are pretty lame, but to be honest, it sure is convenient.
yesterday, i found out that there was even some drama, because a guy got promoted and started abusing his powers, so he had to be kicked out of the clan. when asked what i thought, i pretended to care but i really didn't. how business-like of me.
also, a rule of thumb when playing warcraft: never tell anyone your age if you are over 20. people kept asking my age and i keep ignoring it. they ask "are you old like in COLLEGE?!?!" and i just stay silent. more so, the 2nd in command of the clan is.... 11 years old. yes.... eleven. he is not even half my age. someone said the comment "wow, i have sperm older than you." and he didn't get it. his reponse was "???... okay... ???" man, i feel so pathetic.
there is even a girl in the clan, and she is.... 15. yes, 15 years old. i know that there are people my age in the clan because of the way they talk, the things they do, and the fact that they don't live at home. but i think we are all too chicken to admit our age in public.
in any case, i guess this just goes to show how my life would have been, if it were not for aileen constantly yelling at me everytime i play a video game when she is over. guess i really do need her.