Monday, June 02, 2003

Do you ever just sit there and think? like literally, sit, stare at nothing, and just think. i never do that, although sometimes i wish i do. most of the times when you find me, check that, 100% of the time you find me sitting and staring at nothing, it's because i'm in one of my many daydreams. i daydream at least 10 times a day. so here's a scene where you should be familiar with: in "good will hunting" when matt damon just sits staring out the window of the subway then cuts to him just staring at a lightbulb (this is towards the end of the movie after he cries in robin williams arms.... "it's not your fault."). so yeah, do people really do that? just sit there and think? actually, i'm sure people do. the normal ones at least.

another note, i find it so hard to pay attention to anything. during church, the sermon seemed pretty good, but i had no idea what it was about. my mind would wander so often that i could not pay attention at all... which really scares me considering i am gonig to start school soon again.

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