bets are on!
pj has decided to go on an AIM fast for a month! i probably don't know anyone more active in the world of online chat than he is.
anyone care to place any wagers? i say he can't do it and i'm willing to put dinner on it.
EDIT: okay, before i owe like 30 people dinner, i'm saying i'll bet against pj ALONE unless you specify you want to place a bet against me. AKA, if peter, i mean, WHEN peter comes online to talk on AIM he is going to owe me a dinner alone. if pj's computer dies out for some reaon till june 9th, i'm going to owe him a dinner ALONE. the only condition is if you specify you want to take that bet against me - otherwise people (especially cheap chinese and kcpc people) are gonna be like, hey man i took that bet but just didn't tell you.