Thursday, April 03, 2003

my office building is full of Indian people. not the native-american kind, but indians from india. is mountain view really like this or is it just my building? to date, i have not seen a single non-indian woman except for the two in my office. all the other companies just have indian women. for men, the numbers are a little more diverse, but it is most definitely indian-heavy. our common kitchen smells like indian food, and there are indian posters on the wall.
so today during lunch, i saw a chinese girl that was eating at a table. i was so amazed that she was not indian, i think she probably noticed me starting at her - and trust me, it was not because of her looks since she wasn't that good looking. so during lunch, she stood up and i noticed a "deloitte & touche" badge she was wearing. she was a consultant!

so i always told people to stay away from asian girls since they are the most evil out of all the other races. but really thinking about it after today's experience, do i really miss seeing asians, especially girls, everyday? nope. not at all. it's just that i'd rather have the smell of chinese, korean, or any other ethnicity for that matter, instead of the smell of indian food that is always present when i eat.

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