Thursday, April 10, 2003

A long time ago (2 months), I reached for my electric shaver and found a daddy long leg right next to it. Now you have to understand that nothing scares me more than spiders. I have been bitten several times, there once was a black widow in my basement where a whole can of raid STILL didn't kill it (my mom sucked it up with our 500 hp vacuum we use to drain the swimming pool), the movie "arachnaphobia" still gives me nightmares, and Charlotte from Charlotte's Web scared me like crazy when I was a kid. I don't know what possessed me (hatred), but I saw our barbeque lighter in front of me, picked it up, and decided to see if a few bursts of flame would kill it. Sure enough, the daddy long leg fizzled rather quickly, and I could have sworn there were was a little whining sound coming from it. An enormous feeling of guilt came over me. I knew that I would be cursed and God would punish me for doing such heinous things. I burned a spider alive, and now spiders will haunt me for the rest of my life. Thus the birth of the Curse of the Daddy Long Legs.

So ever since then, I have been seeing spiders EVERYWHERE. It's not like I look for them, but they are starting to show up at my house and even in my car. Watching me. Plotting to rise against me. Taunting me. After I killed the daddy long legs, there was a pretty big and hairy spider in our bathtub, just sitting there for days and days. I thought that it was just dead, so I never thought much of it. So one day, I turned on the faucet and let it go down the drain. Not even a struggle. The next day, the spider was there at the EXACT same place just sitting there. I felt it's many eyes just glaring at me, haunting me saying: You will pay... you will pay... Honestly, I was pretty creeped out. So I decided to turn on the faucet again, with hot water this time, and wash it down. This time, it started to run away but eventually it fell in the hole. I left the water on for a good 7 minutes, full blast, hot water only before turning the water off.

The next week after that, I was driving from Steve's to Aileen's. I saw a spider crawling up my driver's side window - it was a medium sized brown one. The trouble with insects and windows is that you never know if it's on the inside or the outside. This time, I thought the spider was on the inside trying to crawl out. I lowered my window, and this spider charging up my window, was actually on the outside. When I lowered it, it crawled in and I freaked out (why didn't I squash it with my bare hands? because that will give me a heart attack and stroke at the same time). I couldn't stop because I was driving, so the whole time I start shaking different body parts of my body making sure to shake it off if it was on me. I knew it was the curse of the daddy long legs haunting me. When I went to Aileen's, I jumped out of the car and did a full search. My biggest fear was that it was on the ceiling of my car, waiting for me to look up so it can jump down on my face and gouge my eyes out. I never found the spider, but I know that it is still in my car. Why? Because last week, I saw a cobweb across my windshield. On the INSIDE. It's probably laying eggs so it's babies can eat me alive.

The week after that, there was a small but fuzzy spider in my room, on top of my bed. A squashed it with the butt of my tennis racquet - or at least tried to - and it fell on my bed. I stomped that sucker so hard, its guts were on my bedsheet. I had to switch bedsheets, of course. I knew that the curse was still haunting me.

There have been other spider incidents the past couple of weeks in our house, and everytime I think about it, I get chills. I hate spiders. Our house is becoming infested with spiders, all because of me.

Yesterday morning, there was another spider in my bathtub that I saw while brushing my teeth. This one was pretty hairy, and it's abdomen was really fat and had a really sharp end. I grabbed the first thing I saw which was a clorox cleaning spray and I squirted it. The darn thing was empty, so what came out were little bubbles. The spider started to run towards me, and I kept on squirting little bubbles on it(I pulled that trigger like no other). Miraculously, the bubbles slowed him quite a bit, but the spider kept crawling towards me. I decided to outsmart it by squirting little bubbles (my finger is still sore from pulling that trigger so quickly) in front of it so it would have to turn back around and away from me. The spider did eventually change its course, still moving slow. I ran quickly to get more Clorox, but found a can of Raid ant killer instead. Mind you, I still have my toothbrush in my mouth with toothpaste dripping down on to my shirt. I took the Raid and killed it. It crawled up into a little ball and died. The bathroom stunk like Raid. Instead of cleaning up the spider, I decided to scare all the other spiders away by leaving it's dead friend there. That way, they know that if they come to haunt me - they WILL die (I'm scared).

Yet, I know the end of me will come from the curse of the daddy long legs.

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