Monday, November 11, 2002

okay, so here's a special treat for myself. a guest blog from someone really close to me :)

Okay, so here's my insight on friends bonding. Have you ever noticed that you become closer with someone when you're talking about someone else? Well, let's be honest, not just talking about someone else, more like complaining about someone else. Let me give you an example. When I first moved into my house, my roommates (let's call them A, B, and C) and I decided to split our rent evenly since each room had pros and cons. However, two months in, C decided that she should pay less since her huge room had no door and she had no privacy. B agreed right away since money wasn't an issue for her. A and I, on the other hand, did not think this was fair. C's room was three to four times bigger than A's room, and B and I were sharing a room so it's not like we had any privacy either. Anyway, A was quite surprised that I was adamantly against paying more, ince she thought I was such an easy-going, go-with-the-flow kind of person. I explained to her that if I feel something isn't very important, I just let it lide, but if I feel strongly about something, I will fight for it till the end. Therefore, A and I got together one night and wrote a long email to B and C comlaining why we didn't believe it would be fair for C to pay less rent. It turned out to be an extensive list explaining the pros and cons of each room, and we had a great time writing it. In fact, it was the first time that we really connected. I mean, we were friends, but we had vastly different interests, so we were never really that close. But sitting there, complaining about B and C, we really got to know each other. We had a great relationship for the rest of the year. Of course, now she's moved out, and we hardly ever talk anymore, just the occasional IM conversation and the obligatory birthday e-card. But that's life, I suppose.

On another note, does anyone else find The Bachelor incredibly disturbing? Do those women have any self-respect? Don't they have a problem with their potential husband possibly sleeping with several other women at the same time? How can we condone this type of behavior by watching this horrible show?

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