Sunday, October 20, 2002

I have to write this as soon as possible because i really don't want to forget. today, pastor fred, the head pastor for City Church gave a very interesting sermon today. The topic was David's reliance on God rather than material goods to provide security for his life (it's going to be very hard concentrating on this because i'm listening to the chargers/raiders game right now).
in any case, during the sermon, he had an aside about people's reliance on money and how money in itself, a neutral object, shows the true character of the heart. Money reveals to us what our heart really longs for, it shows on the outside what our needs really are on the inside. Money reveals to us who we really are. It forces us to choose sides... and the more money you have, the more you are going to feel physically secure about your life no matter how poorly you are doing spiritually. Jesus once challenged a rich young ruler who wanted to follow Him and become Jesus' disciple. Jesus told the rich dude to sell all his posessions and to follow Him. What happened was the young rich guy was forced to choose sides between money, and Jesus... and because the young ruler was so attached to his money - he chose money over becoming a disciple to God. Jesus then told his disciples, "It is easier for a camel to walk through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven." This doesn't mean it's IMPOSSIBLE, because remember, All things are possible through God.

Pastor Fred then commented that sometimes people talk about certain things so much, it just annoys the heck out of you. For instance, there are people who ONLY talk about sports, and it becomes so mundane or even annoying, you just have to say to yourself "Oh geez... he's not going to talk about sports again..." while you roll your eyes. For Jesus, He loved to talk about money and posessions. 1 out of 4 times, Jesus talked about posessions, and i'm sure it annoyed people. why? because He knew that it was what hindered people from seeking Him. He knew how important it was in our lives.

So think about it, even if you are a Christian, sometimes you become so consumed with spending or earning money that it's really money that alters your living style rather than God.

Money really isn't that bad. How you spend it is really an indicator of who you really are. You spend your money on cars, houses, electronics rather than giving to the poor, to church, helping your friends - doesn't it just seem so obvious who you are? What you really care for? What/who really is in control of your heart?

I believe this is very true. I have so many friends who depend so much on their money and who they spend it on, how they spend it, and how they think it's going to solve all their problems. They buy nice cars, eat only the best foods - and keep deluding themselves that their life is good and complete. If they are missing anything - ANYTHING - money will solve their problems. Girlfriend? Just flaunder your money and girls will flock. Friends? You'll have lots of friends when they know how rich you are. Happiness? Buy a new car. Then a new house. Then a big-screen TV. Then a wife. Then another car. Then a computer. Then the nicest clothes. You get the picture.

Having a lot of money isn't a blessing at all... Pastor Fred went so far as to say maybe it's even a judgement against you from God.

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