Tuesday, October 29, 2002

do you remember the part in "The Matrix" where Neo experiences a Deja Vu event? when he sees a black cat cross a door way, looks away, looks back, and sees the same cat do the same thing? then how trinity explains that it's a change in the programming of the matrix, and that something has been altered... blah blah blah. well, in any case, i think that happened today.

i woke up, to my roommate's routine daily morning clamor, grabbed my glasses, and looked at the clock: 7:49 am. jason needed a ride to work this morning and he wanted to leave at 7:50 am, so i got up and got ready. i noticed that jason's door was still closed, and figured he was still sleeping. "that bastard... making me get up so early and he's still sleeping..." so i went online and perused the usual websites... craigslist... cnn.com.... espn.com... fantasy.yahoo.com... and jason came out and noticed me all dressed and ready to go. he asked if i was in a rush to go to work this morning, and i was like "umm... noooo..."
i then looked at the clock and saw it read 7:35. what?!?! i woke up early for nothing?!?!?! no WONDER jason was wondering if i was in a rush! so i went back to bed for about 5 minutes... then woke up again to the sound of a blow dryer/hair dryer (yes, i'll make it public... my male roommate uses a blow-dryer or whatever it's called). it was a time shift... the matrix was changed.

so we got in the car, and jason looked at my clock. "you're clock is really behind, right? it's really 8:20."
the clock read 8:00 am "umm... no, it's 8 o'clock."
"what?!? i looked at the clock ony my cell and i could have SWORN it was 8:20!!!" he checked his cell phone, and it read 8 am also.

the first thought in my mind was... world's gonna end... the Second Coming is going to happen...

did anyone else experience it? maybe we can start some sort of cult website.

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