Tuesday, August 20, 2002

so i took a practice GMAT yesterday and my scores were just horrendous. it made me so depressed to see scores so low. true, i didn't study. true, i didn't even know how many sections there were. true, i ate, talked, worked, and watched tv in between. true, i was singing along to weezer. but no matter what the excuse, it's just too depressing. as my coworker would say, 'crap damn', it was crap damn depressing.

so determined to convince myself i really am not that dumb, i took it again at work. i can't say i redeemed myself, but i am certainly more satisfied.

my scores:
yesterday - 430
today - 590

my goal? break a 700.

bring it haas. bring it harvard. as reese witherspoon said in 'legally blonde', "like it's hard?"

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