Wednesday, August 07, 2002

i had a pretty adventurous dream last nite, and it was all attributed to video games.

i don't remember the chronological order, but it had to do with these scenes:

1) i'm in the ocean and i am facing a shark attack with a friend, trying to protect her. it's a great white shark and it's circling us, going down deep, then surprise attacking us at different angles. i try to punch it in the nose when it comes for it's kill.

2) i wake up, go to the bathroom, and feel sick.

3) i am training with the army, playing a sniper of some sort. i die 3 times, but then in the next round, i kill off everyone and my record climbs 12-3 in one round. it was sparked by a snooty comment coming from a group of asian guys. i walk out of the place after killing everyone, and as i'm walking by the asian guys - they don't say anything this time.

4) my dad and i are parking on the street, and a car is going crazy behind us and tries to run my dad over. the driver is some old lady. she's trying to run my dad over so i jump in her car through the window and she pulls out a 6-shooter. i grab her gun as she tries to shoot me, we struggle, and i make her fire all six bullets so she has no more bullets left. in the meantime, the car is swerving in and out like crazy.

that's the last thing i remember, and i wake up. and i felt sick... just like how i did in dream sequence #2.

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