Thursday, August 15, 2002

here's a sad realization that i had this morning:

sometimes going to church in college was more out of commitment to people than to God. i had a responsibility as a small group leader, a transportation team member, and a welcoming team member to help serve, teach, welcome, and drive people to church. i had served continuously for 3 and a half years ... and slowly, it became a job for me to do it because it was my responsibility and my job. i remember there were times where i was doing it to serve God, but honestly now that i am not serving in a church anymore, i don't feel the "must go to church" attitude as much as i used to.

i think people should take breaks when they serve at church. this way, they can remind themselves of why they are going to church in the first place.

being a pastor with the right mindset must be so difficult...

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