Tuesday, August 06, 2002

today was my second attempt to bring lunch to work so i can save money. so this morning i woke up, showered (yes aileen... i showered for once), and proceeded to make lunch. my sandwich ingredients are: ham (any brand), cheese (costco sells the best american cheese ever), the mustard (any brand), and the bread (any brand). yes... that's how i make a sandwich...and i am satisfied with it. i was raised to eat everything, and never really developed my taste buds... that and i eat gorges of hot sauce which killed off any taste buds i had left. i opened the bread bag and as i grabbed a slice - it was rock hard. "hmm..." i thought to myself, "is this still edible? i mean it's just hard...oh! only the crust is hard. i can just cut the crust out." so i pulled my hand out of the bag and opened the knife drawer. it was then i noticed my hand was actually wet from the bread. it was definitely rotten. rats. i guess i gotta go to taco bell again... awww shucks.

speaking of fast food restaurants, my coworker found this great website that has health stats for almost any fast food restaurant you can imagine:


make sure to check out costco... because man.... so fattening.

and speaking of fattening... i gained 10 pounds since i last weighed myself in june. i told my mom this yesterday on the phone and she was silent for a moment, then said "oh my gosh" quietly, then all of a sudden exploded barking the usual commands of "work out! run! eat fruits and veggies!" (the same sort of reaction to either a tragic event or the padres winning the world series or the clippers winning the nba finals... it was a huge shock so it has to sink in...) so i asked her what i could make that's healthy with rice, mushrooms, chicken, and cucumber. she gave me about 5 different recipes in one sentence... and basically walked me through making my very first bi bim bap. moms are so great... especially my mom.

speaking of moms and being fat, i need to stop making 'yo momma' jokes like pj does. i made a 'your mom' joke to my coworker once, and he was like "HA HA! my mom's passed away, so there!" i really didn't know if he was serious or not, and to this day, i still don't know. i think i should only make fun of people that i'm really close with.

speaking of parents that have passed away, eric wrote a poignant yet strong entry today about his 10th year since his father passed away. i'm glad he wrote it, and it just goes to show how awesome his parents really are. i mean, there are so many screwed up people in the world because of their parents either through divorce, death, etc.... but eric and his brother... wow... you can't help but just say wow...

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