Tuesday, July 30, 2002

ten reasons how you know you are in biotech

10. your company parties like no other... to forget that they are really nerds and try to be "cool."

9. you understand what it means to "inoculate", "PCR", "normalize"....

8. you don't get business cards, a computer, a phone, a cubicle, etc. unless you are in the lab for at least 5 years.

7. the only other jobs that you can transfer to are... other biotech jobs.

6. your hands start to smell like either nitrile or latex outside of work.

5. you are immune to the smell of bacteria cultures - even when you spill some on your clothes or up your nose even.

4. you have insults like "well i'm going to drop some ethidium bromide on your food when you're not looking! HA HA HA HA HA!" or "Well... well... well... at least... at least i'm not doing 4 PCRs and 8 gels a day!!! HA!!!"

3. you think the coolest things are 96-well pipettes, hi-tech centrifuges, mini-prep robots, and of course... the electronic repeat pipettor (drooolll.....)....

2. you have no idea how 401Ks, bonds, markets, stocks, or the economy works.

1. whenever you see volumes, you know exactly how much it is... like... for say... a drop of water on the floor. "dude, that's like 85 microliters!!!"

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