Tuesday, July 16, 2002

so ever since we had DSL, we also have 15 mb of free webspace. the URL is http://pages.sbcglobal.net/malemodelsinc/

the reason for malemodelsinc? it's a tribute to one of my favorite movies: Zoolander. there are so many quotables from that movie, it's basically become part of my vernacular. the problem with quoting that movie to other people is they either get it or don't get it - and when they don't get it, you sure sound stupid.

me: "haaaapyyyy... haaaaaaaaapy...... hhaaaaaaapy"
someone: "what?"

me: "the forbidden fruit must be tasted!!!!"
someone: "huh?"

me: "ONE LOOK?! ONE LOOK?!?!"
someone: "i'll see ya later."

me: "just a little pee-pee? c'mon... just a little bit?"
someone: "um... someone call security"

you can see how the situation might change if someone actually knew what i was talking about. i don't think i should give any examples because it just would be useless. if you haven't seen the movie, rent the DVD and don't forget to watch the outtakes - it's the best part.

woah, i just wandered off for about 20 minutes there doing other stuff... i completely forgot i was writing in my blog (read 7/15 entry).

so anyways (crap, my coworker just told me i left something in the centrifuge... crap...) i forgot what i was going to say.

crap. i have volleyball right now. i shall write more later.

it may seem like i'm trying to do many things at once, and maybe that is the case... but i really don't think so.

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