Monday, July 15, 2002

in my perfunctory attempt to keep my blog going every single day, i feel like this is just all in vain.

in any case, there were two revelations that were brought to me this weekend:

1) i sneeze in pairs
2) i think i have ADHD.

1) i sneeze in twos
this observation was brought from the astute aileen. i sneezed once, she said nothing but was looking at me as if waiting for something, then i sneezed again.
"bless you" she said, "i always wait for the second one before i say it."
"you sneeze in twos."
"oh my goodness... i do, huh?"
(huh, was the word of the weekend for both of us. we were both slurring our speech and deaf at the same time. i think it came from watching Black Hawk Down... i guess that's what they say in the rangers. "huuuuuuh!")

in any case... i sneeze in twos. profound. amazingly profound.

2) i think i have ADHD
this is a symptom that only kids would mostly have, but adults can have too. i know people are always forgetful of things and have short-term memory loss (i.e. remembering names, words, etc), but i can't keep my attention running for probably more than a few seconds. whether i listen to my boss, do a chore, write in my blog, pray and listen to sermons, etc. i always forget what i am doing. for instance, ever since i started writing in this blog i have already visited 3 different websites, did some work, and just zoned out... and it took me awhile to remember that i was writing in a blog (crap, that reminds me that i left a freezer box open on my bench... i should go back and take care of that.... okay i'm back).
also other times, i feel like i can completely lose it if i really do not try my best to keep my energy inside of me. other times, i really can't control it and go through these freak-phases where it's to the point it scares people. often times, i feel like just talking gibberish
so i looked up the symptoms for ADHD on a website, and not surprinsingly enough, i think just about everyone i know would be diagnosed with ADHD.

a good guide can be found here:

so the next time i visit my doctor, i am going to ask if i could have it. IF i ever find a doctor, that is.

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