i had a conversation with my sister today that i was very tempted to post, but i was using AimExpress (which without, i would certainly be doomed to a boring death at work) so it wouldn't let me copy and paste our conversation. the content was me joking around trying to convince her to give me her iPod and Powerbook (the Apple laptop), and in return i'll give her my lesser-quality Powerbook...then it went to the topic of our computers which my dad had bought for me as an incentive to learn C++ - a promise i have kept. however, our conversation hit a brick wall when it went to the extent of this (this is not the verbatim conversation but close enough):
celene: how old are you?
me: how old are YOU? (a typical comeback by me... more on this later)
celene: you have an income
celene: yet you still have mom and dad paying for your stuff.
me: ouch. burned.
me: that's going to leave a mark. oh yeah... that's going to leave a mark.
i guess it was pretty much another "kodak" defining moment of our relationship. i'm trying to joke with her while she takes me as either a bratty younger brother or a prodigal son. i really don't know whether or not to feel humbled, rebuked, embarrassed, thankful, or just plain pissed off. even after a long while i still really don't know how to feel. it's not really surprising for her to make a comment like that... and i've definitely gotten used to it. if you think getting stabbed by a spoon is blunt, try talking to my sister.
i guess i'm not mad... just disturbed. disturbed by the reality of her comment or disturbed by the way she said it, i don't know.