Tuesday, April 30, 2002

my sister decided to choose Princeton. it came down to MIT and Princeton, and she chose Princeton because she let her 'head decide over her heart.' while i think this is a good choice for her, it's amazing just talking to her how her attitude is very strict and uptight. what she wants to do for next month is take several AP tests, that won't even really matter for the future, and start working in a lab under a professor - before she even starts her first class. i told her to have fun and just relax, because it's her senior year of high school and the summer before is really your last free summer. she told me "i need to be productive and i can't just sit and waste time like that."
i told her to come visit me, and she said "no, i can't waste time or money like that."
so i replied, "visiting your brother is wasting time and money? thanks"
she said in a monotone voice (meaning she doesn't want to talk to me anymore), "it is."
then i told her to just relax and have fun, she told me "i can't. i'm not like you."
i'm not sure how to take it, but knowing that she doesn't respect me very much... yeah, i still can't decide. but i have to respect her for her work ethic, but i will never worry about her having a secure life, even if she doesn't get a 4.0 from Princeton (which will likely NOT be the case). i guess i'm glad she isn't like me, because if she was, our family would be in deep deep trouble. she's probably glad she isn't like me too.
i guess what i want the most is for my sister to respect me as much as i respect her. i always joke on how she is the older one and i the younger one, because i always want to hang out and play with her while she always tells me to just go away or leave her alone (by the way, she's 4 years younger than me and still in high school while i'm a college grad). whenever i'm home and watching tv, i run up the stairs to our study and yell "celene! celene! cartoons are on!" she doesn't even turn her head, and replies "that's nice. so what." i turn around, hanging my head, and tumble back down the stairs into the family room... or the living room... whichever room has the tv in it, i always forget.
so this is my relationship with my sister.

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