i just wrote a really long paper on why i am so attracted to kirsten dunst, but decided that it's just too freaky for the public to know... or even myself. thus, after being inspired by bill simmons' column, i decided to reply to my guestbook entries that people have written me. i have 54 entries, 65% of which belong to none other than pj.
Guest's Name: Peter Choi
Date Signed: Wed May 2 04:55:22 2001
Referred By:
Hey Andy. I guess I'm the first one. Just wanted to show some love. Work your magic on this forsaken site. Then lots of people will come. If you build it they will come...
thanks pj. you are the first one to sign my book, the first one IN my book, and the first one to be in every ladies' blackbook. you are the lovaire extraordinaire.
Guest's Name: Kenneth
Date Signed: Fri May 4 04:35:20 2001
Referred By: Dandy
Andy, Andy, my eye candy!
right. i'm not exactly sure how to comment on this entry except saying that i am eye-candy to a former employee(i was his senior consultant), former same-church-goer, and former male. just kidding on that last male comment.
Guest's Name: tiffers
Guest's Home Page: Tif's hole in the web
Date Signed: Mon May 7 20:50:07 2001
Referred By:
Come on baby, light my fire....Thanks for all of your help this semester with the computer stuff. You know what I'm talking about. Dude, it's been fun knowing you. Love your site. Take care.
another geek-fanatic, but thankfully by a female.
Guest's Name: Billy Ku
Guest's Home Page: Don't Have One
Date Signed: Tue May 8 20:27:47 2001
Referred By: Martin Kang
sup Andy, not steve. was just checking out martin's links and saw ur website and checked out ur thoughts. wow, what a day, and what a dream. mustve been a pretty emotional thing. but wow, that is pretty bold of u to put ur thoughts up on that stuff onto ur website. hope that u find someone to share ur thoughts w/, u can always find a brother or sister to talk to around here. anyway, i'll say a lil prayer for u, laters -b ku
i completely forgot about that entry, but now that i remember it, i must say that this was one of those guestbook entries that actually affect your feelings and certainly touching. not like the kenneth or tiffany touching, but emotional-inside touching. that was a very bold thing to write in a guestbook of all places. thanks billy, who probably no longer reads this page. also, i have said in the past that this blog/thoughts page would be stricty for my own purposes and to not please anyone else. but today, i feel that i am going to write to actually address the netsurfers out there. if anyone finds this page corny and tasteless, then this isn't for you. especially GUT RUMBLES.
Guest's Name: Daniel Kim
Guest's Home Page: Don't Have One
Date Signed: Thu May 10 01:15:26 2001
Referred By: Fred Savage
andy, before you leave berkeley... you and i got a little score to settle in------------ SCRABBLE!!!!!! wadeen is a word, by the way. look it up in webster's... you know who loves ya, baby.
this was one of my most favorite and memorable times in college. playing scrabble with a bunch of people (i believe it was jomo, tina, hayeun, janet kang, dan kim, sammy, and myself. i'm forgetting someone... please accept my apologies). although i don't remember everything, here's what i do remmeber:
- sammy and wadeen (dan) trying to fudge their way to the top by creating outrageous words such as "wadeen" for the triple word score. classic.
- hayeun and i getting a seven letter word as the first move, which means double points and double letters. ouch. we were a great team.
- tina and jomo falling asleep on our floor because they were so bad at the game.
you da man dan the man wadeen.
Guest's Name: pretty Jae *^^*
Guest's Home Page: .
Date Signed: Thu May 10 05:04:20 2001
Referred By:
hi Andy~! how come you didn't tell me about your webpage? hehehe.. just came to visit.. like it *^^* well, me goin' to sleep, so me bye bye~!!! love, Jae
classic example of asian cute girl lingo. if she reads this, she WILL be offended. but anyways, note the use of "pretty", *^^*, and the excessive "~".
Guest's Name: Frank
Guest's Home Page: www.frankypanky.com
Date Signed: Sun May 13 02:40:00 2001
Referred By: yo mama
Dogs love me cause i'm crazy sniffable
no comment.
Guest's Name: Sammy Choo - aka Andy's master
Guest's Home Page: Sammy is Andy's King
Date Signed: Tue May 29 15:07:50 2001
Referred By: yo mama
hello andy, you are my yuj. bow to me. =) ur roomie, sammy
ahhh yes, my old roommate/pimp sammy. "yuj" is a slang term for woman in korean. this guy is such a "yuj" beater. one night, i was pretty tired, and when i'm tired - i snore. if i'm really tired, i snore like a train wreck. sharing a room with, my king and pimp and yuj beater, he took a shirt, crumbled it up, and threw it at my face. the next morning, i woke up "dang! why does my eye hurt so much?!" throughout the whole day, my eye hurt and i had no idea why. later on, sammy told me what happened, and what could i do? snore even louder that night, with my head facing the wall. this would create the walls to vibrate, which would then resonate to the opposite side of the room to sammy's bed frame which was ikea-metal. i tried to simulate the effect of sleeping on train tracks when a train is approaching. that sorta vibration. i don't think the plan worked.
Guest's Name: tommy
Guest's Home Page: Don't Have One
Date Signed: Wed Jun 6 00:51:48 2001
Referred By:
SMALL GROUP!!! hey andy, awesome site and interesting thoughts. the ficb member and alum sites sound good, but who's going to maintain it?... well, as you think about your career and what not while on the east coast, try not to have too much drama, ok? it's a bit scary how often you say that you just had the hardest week in your life... oh, and just like the lakers are going to go back-to-back, it looks like the devils will, too...
ahhh.... small group was certainly the best. my boys were classic no-gooders, except for tommy. i've written about them several times, but never enough. along with the drama and the "hardest weeks of my life," i promise one day to share to them first what really happened in my past. but i need to get over it first.
well, i guess i'm done for now. there are several other people who i wanted to comment on, but we'll see how this first one flies. on the list: mel, young, julia, rob smith, private entries (uh oh), and several others.