i decided to respond on several other guestbook entries today.
Guest's Name: mel
Guest's Home Page: Don't Have One
Date Signed: Fri Jul 13 13:58:41 2001
Referred By:
dude,time to update. hi! haha.
mellanie has contributed to my guestbook collection several times reminding me to write more. she's definitely been a huge factor and encouragement to crank out more of my stupid self onto the world wide web. it's very... i can't think of the right word, but "humbling" would do... that she reads my thoughts. if she ever reads this, she's probably saying outloud "laaaame."
Guest's Name: young
Guest's Home Page: mine
Date Signed: Wed Jul 25 01:52:09 2001
Referred By: curiousity
yo andy. this stinkas. i wrote this whole thing and your site said it was too long!!!!! i pressed back and it was all gone. neeways, in a nutshell: i read your long-ass essay. i can relate. it was interesting. you don't look or act korean and your last name is chinese. your welcome. i'm not korean to you right? if i am, you stinka. i still like candy, andy. lates.
by far, one of the weirest people i know, or will ever know. that's why she is very cool. i wonder if she has a boyfriend yet?
Guest's Name: julia
Guest's Home Page: Don't Have One
Date Signed: Sat Jul 28 00:31:14 2001
Referred By:
just wanted to say hello! hello! (ok. i did what i came here to do.) haha! talk to you soon! :)
julia, like mel, is also a frequent guestbook contributor. she leaves eccentric and random messages that describe her personality. she always likes to have contests. if you read the guestbook, you'll know what i mean. her boyfriend likes to refer himself as 'mr. boyfriend.' how korean.
Guest's Name: 275-9288
Guest's Home Page: Don't Have One
Date Signed: Mon Jan 14 20:42:50 2002
what are you thinking right now? blank
what would you like to see more on this page? poems
any advice to give andy? stay away from orcas
Hey Andy, I love your poems, especially "Her"! By the way, ill be the pillar for your house of cards anytime ;)
that phone number is gay friend david yang's home phone number. okay, he's not really gay, but i think he is. for some reason, he likes my poems a lot. i guess it's a compliment because he's a genius. he's freakin smart. freshman year in high school, we had to think of a new proof of archimedes. you know, a^2 + b^2 = c^2. he did it in like... 10 minutes. and how? did he use paper? no. did he even sit down? no. he stuck his head in the corner of the couch, face down, between the cushions, and in that very awkward position, like a cat sniffing something in your couch, he figured out how to prove a^2 + b^2 = c^2 for triangles. geez.
Guest's Name: Rob Smith
Guest's Home Page: GUT RUMBLES
Date Signed: Sun Mar 31 20:04:26 2002
what are you thinking right now? YOU DON'T WANT TO KNOW
what would you like to see more on this page? NO
any advice to give andy? YES-- SEE BELOW
Andy, I drew your blog for the peer-to-peer review. I hate to be really critical, but YOU SUCK! That's as plain as I can make it. First of all, look on the left side of your keyboard. See that button called SHIFT? It makes capital letters. Honest, it really does! You might want to try that shift key once in a while, you know, just to APPEAR literate. Second, what's the obsession with poo about? Acidman
a couple months back, i joined a peer to peer review for bloggers. i wanted to improve my writing and wanted to receive some critique of it. i know that my writing DOES suck and that my aspirations for becoming a writer are FAR from anything, but this guy... Rob Smith aka Acidman... probably the most honest review i have ever received at the same time crush any hope. but i need more of this. i just wish he commented on the content rather than the caps. i don't like using the shift key because it was inpsired by e.e.cummings and also by this guy back in Phillips Academy, Andover who never used capital letters. what's funny is he signs his name "rob smith" then ends it with "acidman." i guess he felt bad so this is what he wrote afterwards:
Guest's Name: Rob Smith
Guest's Home Page: GUT RUMBLES
Date Signed: Tue Apr 2 20:57:45 2002
what are you thinking right now? TIME TO GO TO BED
what would you like to see more on this page? ??? MORE CAPS, LESS POO
any advice to give andy? CHECK MY SITE. I USE CAPS
Andy, Hope I wasn't too harsh on you the other night. Being a writer means having tough skin, so I hope you accept my criticism gracefully. If, not, feel free to firebomb my home. I live by myself, so you don't need to worry about collateral damage. Any blogger is a good blogger, but you could do better. Acidman
this guy does seem pretty cool, if i must say so myself. my guess is that he's from the east coast. but the comment on firebombing and not worrying about collateral damage - that was pretty funny. i read his blog, and i must admit, not only does he use the shift key, but he does write well also. maybe an inspiration to me?
Guest's Name: Martin Kang
Guest's Home Page: hmm.
Date Signed: Sun Apr 28 04:07:56 2002
what are you thinking right now? hmm. what's the point of putting my webpage name... am i ju
what would you like to see more on this page? more pictures! haha.
any advice to give andy? keep writing!
how cool. i like your thoughts a lot. I wish i could write you like you... but... i don't like Mr. Rob Smith's thoughts on your page. have you seen his page? hmmm rather uninteresting thoughts.. seem rather ignorant to me. haha. i'm stupid.
wow, i was mentioned on martin's page. this guy... this guy has one crazy website and i visit it all the time. there's cnn.com, espn.com, and martinkang.com. he has a very real personality, and never shallow. when you're with martin, it's like swimming in the middle of the pacific. it's very deep and you have no idea where you are. for example, just take what he said on the guestbook.
1)"hmmm rather uninteresting thoughts.. seem rather ignorant to me" - a perfectly valid comment.
2) "haha" - another perfectly valid comment.
3) "i'm stupid" - yet another clear and understandable sentence.
now put these together. "hmmm rather uninteresting thoughts.. seem rather ignorant to me. haha. i'm stupid." there you have classic martin.
Guest's Name: Eric
Guest's Home Page: Eric's site
Date Signed: Sat Apr 27 02:03:21 2002
what are you thinking right now? I just ate some dang good pizza
what would you like to see more on this page? Pictures of Andy and Aileen
any advice to give andy? hang out with me more
Hi Andy, I totally forgot about your guestbook but I'm signing it to show you that I'm devoted to your thoughts. Keep up the prophecy man. Make sure that I'm with a pretty girl in those dreams you keep having. Out
other than martin, eric's is also a really awesome blog i love to frequently visit. he once told me he likes reading blogs that have substance and meaning, rather than the usual "i woke up late today... i missed class... i had good food... i'm tired.... why am i tired.... good nite! ^_^" that you can find at several websites... like... kcpc websites... but in any case, his stories are so interesting and by reading his blogs, you know that his memory is like a computer hard drive. he can tell you all the characters from GI Joe and WWF from 1985.