Wednesday, March 20, 2002

i think whenever i am really tired, i start having very insane dreams. two nights ago, i was so tired i fell asleep on the fone while talking to aileen. that night i had a dream about fires and bongo-drum competitions. it was a little weird. i was in a fight i think, and the only way to save my life was to face off in a bongo drum competition. the guy would do a rhythm, and i would have to mimic it. the only one i remember was "i^ am^^^ sa^tay^". satay is a thai dish. i have no idea where that came from. then, i look out the window and i see this guy i know, but never really talked to, under all these logs that are on fire. i run out and lift up all the burning logs - why i never felt the heat or burning, i don't know - and i find him underneath. i say "are you okay? what are you trying to do?"

that's all i really remember.

last nite i was really tired also, and i had another strange dream. it was interesting because it was interrupted by an earthquake we had in san francisco last nite. 3.3 on the richter, but from someone that is from new jersey - that was very very scary. so ANYWAYS, i had a dream about several people who have really hurt me in the past. one was my ex-girlfriend and the other my ex-best friend. i can't really go into the details, but it was an emotionally twisted dream. my ex-girlfriend turned into this hoochie, where she was a model with a fiancee, and they were PDAing all over the place and my ex-best friend... well... it was a big fight but he was telling me how hurt he was too (which i think was the biggest concoction of it all) and i was moved. so i wanted to make amends with him, rather than my ex-gf because i was so disgusted with her, and then i woke up at 6:56 am. that seems to be the magical number for me whenever i wake up early. it's always 6:56 am.

driving to work this morning, i just ran through the scenes in my head over and over again... and it just got me thinking: man... people change so much and we don't even notice until it's too late.

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