Thursday, October 18, 2001

my life really hasn't been interesting lately and i haven't really had any realizations that i can remember. i know i have had a few, but i never write those things down. and especially when i don't have a computer at home, it's even harder to update my webpage. i don't think a single person has really visited my new site for a long time. maybe i'll post some really bad words or bad thoughts i had about people to see if i really do have any traffic. maybe i'll say i have a girlfriend.

maybe i'll share about something that i'm trying to improve in my life. i used to think that it wasn't really an improvement, but i think i need more of it. i think i need to care less about things. in a way, it makes me a freak where i just care too much about things, namely other people, that it really hinders me from being 'normal.' i still believe that looking out for others before yourself is the way to go, but looking out ONLY for others is not. that used to be my problem, and it has gotten me into a lot of trouble in the past. a part of me still thinks it's a good thing... to deny oneself. but i just take it to an extreme.

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